News, Opinions and Analysis, and Tips on Mobile Life - XO, iPhone, and other Mobile Devices
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Will iCloud Become Apple's Cloud OS?
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Special Saturday Video: Not A Glee Fan But Couldn't Pass up Michael Jackson Parody.
Having said that, here is a Michael Jackson parody that is brilliantly done. I first heard it on Spotify but decided for myself to see if I can find it on Youtube. And yes, here you go.
Russia Might iPad Use In Government
I Am Early For Dinner; Mobile Helps Diffuse Frustration
Being fashionably late, especially in Los Angeles, seems to be something that more people are taking to a whole new level. But with my mobile devices with most of the time, I have had something to do while I wait 15 minutes or half and hour while people I am having dinner with or just meeting up for coffee shows up.
And as I write this post, I am an hour early. Actually, no. The people I am having dinner with are an hour behind. Again, this is entirely fine with me. Most of the time, I am okay with it.
I got a chance to update my calendars, fire off a couple of emails, mod a pic I tool this morning donating blood and write a couple of journal entries (both on my phone and actual moleskin notebook).
In recent years, I almost never leave home without something to distract myself with. Before the smartphones, I had my Palm devices.
And before that? I shudder to think about those time. I recall being frustrated a lot.
- Posted using Mobile Devices
Friday, July 29, 2011
Google Improves Tablet Search And Images
They've made the UI better for tablet by way of adding and move search buttons and drop-down menus for easier access.
On top of that, this is my favorite part. The image results layout has imrpoved with bigger previews so you know exactly what you're looking at. Continuous scrolling is nice and faster load time.
It may not seem like much but with tablets fast becoming mainstream devices for consuming media and text, it makes sense for Google to make it easier for us early adopters to latch on. Bing, your move.
Google Improves Tablet Search - Looks Really Nice, Especially Pic Layout
Friday Movie: Dead Island
The trailer you may or may not have seen so I’ve included below the video for the gameplay.
Here is the trailer for Dead Island. However, this is version that is chronologically reversed.
I don’t have a PC that can play this game. Perhaps, I’ll see if there will be a version out for the iOS or Android devices.
Green: Quake/Tsunami Ravaged Japan Able To Conserve More Power; Could We Do the Same Here?
Live Blogging A Jog
As I was running, I thought I'd do something fun. Live-blog the experience through Google+.
Okay. It was just a couple of pics of landmarks and some info about my run.
You can see here.

As you can see, I had some fun with it. Did some touch-ups of the pics, added zombies.
Again, it was fun. Gave me time between updates for a breather it two.
I hope to do it again. And maybe I'll find a way to make it more efficient.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Patent Wars And What Will Reform Do?
Sunken UFO? Not Likely But I Want To Believe
Further evidence suggests that the object was moved there (crashed?) due to markings on the ocean floor that showed the environment was disturbed in such a way.
While there is no evidence that this round formation is of extraterrestrial origin, Lindberg, who isn’t aN ufologist, he believe it to be a Stonehenge of sort. Regardless of it could be, it certainly has brought attention to his work.
Here is a video showing us the scan.
So, interested in chipping a couple of bucks to launch an expedition to recover the alien craft?
Note: I want to believe but right now, I’m not ready to call this thing an “object”. I’ll go with “formation” until further evidence suggests otherwise. But this would be a great opportunity for a well funded science cable network to launch a special show based on its exploration and/or recovery.
iPad 3: Separating Reality From Rumors; Possibility of a Smaller Tablet
With 28% of the US Marketshare and International Demands for the iPhone Stil Strong, Apple Continues To Dominate Profit
ATT Settling Self Up For Lawsuits?
iPhone 3GS for One Penny
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Example Of The Power Of Social Media: Single Tweet Can Cause A Riot
Over 2K fans converged on his location and was met with riot-geared police.
So, yeah, social media, can be used for good or...just about anything else you can imagine or expect. The consequences, on the other hand, well, one never know.
Source: Los Angeles Times.
Where Do Companies Get Their Names
Motorola Expected To Ship 1.3 to 1.5 Million Xooms Through the Rest Of the Year; How Will The Tablet Market Shape Up?
- RIM can possibly ship up to 1 million Playbooks a month
- HP can possibly ship up to 500K Touchpads a month
- Samsung can possibly ship up to 2 million Galaxy Tablets a month
- Other Android tablet makers can ship up to 1 million tablets a month
- Apple can ship up to 5 million iPads a month
- Apple 7.50M 53.57%
- Galaxy 2.00M 14.29%
- Playbook 1.00M 7.14%
- Touchpad 0.50M 3.57%
- Other Androids 1.50M 10.71%
- Others 1.50M 10.71%
Boehner Debt Bill Delayed Until Tonight
Only 440K Xooms Shipped; I Had Held Out for 600M+
Someone Finally Listened To Me! Apple Interested In Barnes and Noble, What will Google do?
Boy Genius Report Comes To Android's Defense On Returns
Did Windows Phone 7 Shrink Below 1% or Grew Big Time?
3DS Hurt By iOS Sales - Nintendo Pain To Get Worse When Gaming Comes to Apple TV
Amazon's Tablet Plans are Real And Coming This Fall
GM Gets Into Solar Charging For EV
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
California Is Facing A Glut of Renewable Power Projects? That's A Good Thing, Right?
Tough Crowd in Sydney For the Touchpad Launch
Google Plus Traffic Down Mere 35 Seconds Per Visit
What Does Angry Birds (the game) Have In Common with Nazi Germany
Google’s Big Fragmentation Issue And Control Is Needed Now
State of the Tablet Market (Mashable)
- In 2010, 10.3 million tablets sold, 6.7 million ereaders sold.
- Household with $150K is twice as likely to own a tablet
- Household with children, 12% already own tablets
- Growth of single function devices like the ereaders will slow as tablet sales pick up steam and acceptance among consumers.
- Browing the Web
- Viewing photos
- Emailing
- Playing games
- Watching video
Madmen On Netflix Now!
Lion Installation Fiasco; Cannot Wait For iCloud And Hopefully, iTunes Match Support For Video
Green: The President And The Car Makers Are Near Fuel Standards That Will Eventually Average 54.5 MPG
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Apple Staffing Up For the Fall - Back-To-School And iPhone Launch
Watch Out, Android And iPhone! Mango Is Here
LTE Tablets Comig - Great But What About the Battery Life?
Solar Record Achieved - 17.3%
Mexican Papayas Made 99 Sick in the US from Salmonella
Estimated 1.2 Million Android Tablets Activiated (Google) - Android As A Viable Tablet OS In Question
Life In The Universe - Debate Goes On Whether We Are Alone Or Not
And if this paper is to be believed, we are not going to have our first contact within the next two decades.
So, which is it? Personally, I'm with Fox Mulder. I want to believe. But not until I see aliens standing in front of me with my own pair of eyes.
The authors, David Speigel of Princeton and Edwin Turner of University of Tokyo also suggests that if life does independently evolve anywhere else within our solar system, say, Mars, then it could increase the likelihood that the universe is filled with life.
So, what is the basis for this study? It is based on the Drake equation that provided an estimation of how many alien civilizations exist in the Milky Way alone. By changing one of the factor and replaced it with a question mark, they essential said they've invalidated the suggestion that there is life out there.
I think this paper should be filled with a lot of question marks. Everything is based on theories when it comes to SETI. We could be hearing from ET tomorrow (maybe we already have but the government has supressed it or that we are not quite technologically advanced enough to recognize it) or never.
Source: Life Science
Android Returns Are 30-40%? Riiiiight...
Kindle Tablet: Amazon Is Making Its Upcoming Tablet With An Attractive Price and Market It as "Good Enough"
RIM CEOs Not Among 2,000 RIM Employees Being Let Go
Google Did Not Do "What Was Necessary" and Now Tries To Play Victim
Monday, July 25, 2011
Mozilla - Firefox To Become Mobile OS
US Also Under Domestic Terror Threat
This CNN report focuses on the potential terrorist threat from within. And you probably don't have to venture far to guess that the threats come from the right-wing extremists.
It is not that the left are nicer or aren't as willing to shed innocent blood but let's face it, the information we are provided on a daily basis and with cable networks like Fox News sprewing hate and misinformation as well as right-leaning radio hosts that offer skewed reality. Would anyone be surprised if we had another Oklahoma City style attack and it turned out to be someone who is against a black president, thinks his taxes are too high, or doesn't like the immigration policies?
As someone who is right of center and more right than the political climate of my state, I see the need to educate myself beyond the noise we hear on the airwaves.
It is just unfortunate that such a threat can exist at all. But then again, if it isn't cable news or the radio talkshows, I am sure the nutjobs will find other more hateful materials and beliefs to latch onto and act upon.
Source: CNN
Note: While I disparged Fox News and talk radio, I wonder it is also possible that threats from domestic right-wing elements could be worse if there was no right-leaning media that served as release values for right-wingers to vent. Perhaps, the threats from the left is not as bad because they do have more avenues in the media to connect with like minds.
Clear's New Spot; WiMax Strong at 1 Billion Users
Interesting Data on In-Game Payments That May Say A Lot About Who We Are As Gamers
Reasons For Closing Fake Apple Stores In Kunming Shows China Is Not Serious About Interllectual Properties
RIM Weighs In At 2K Less
I am not trying at making the loss of 2,000 less people without jobs from any company less than what it is. But RIM investors just face the fact that if maziming their returns is what they want, the changed much come at the expense of those who made the mistakes of the last few years what allowed rivals to eclipse its place in the market and among its core customers, the enterprise users.
I hope those two thousand soon-to-be former RIM employees can get back on their feet soon.
And if employees are feeling the heat and shareholders are not will to do what is necessary to force a change in the direction of the company, Blackberry fans do not have to stay faithful to the platform.
And I get the feeling that Apple would be more than happy to satisfy their mobile needs.
Retina Display Coming To the Macs - We Just Don't Know When
Amazon's Next Quarterly Earnings - Will Tax Collection Requirements In California Impact It's Earnings?
Did WSJ's hit pieces on Apple Have to Do with the WSJ App Forced To Remove Subscription Link?
Tragic Train Accident In China - New Media Trumps Beijing Censoship For Now
Honeycomb 3.2 Supports 7" Tablets: Best To Wait for Ice Cream
Samsung Shipped More Smartphones Than Anyone Else In the World?
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Steve Jobs Was Right And Wrong About the 7" Tablet
Apple Should Prepare to Leave China (There Is Still Time To Execute Such A Plan)
At first glance, you might think that the title of this article is a clickbait considering that China is the second biggest economy in the w...
Source: Inside Facebook . Looks like Timeline on Facebook will get more crowded and cumbersome. Not to mention annoying as FB looks to ...
Source: Politico , Macrumors . For those waiting for the Mac Pro, looks like it could be one of the first Mac to be made solely in the...
The biggest news on the mobile front is what is going to happen a year from now. Today, Intel announced Larrabee, their new GPU architectur...