Source: Bloomberg.
Want to build a new man-made lake for your city park but there is no financing for it? Well, maybe the city or state can raise taxes or sell some munipical bonds. Well, if this long-shot publicity seeking Indigogo campaign actually can raise $1.6 billion euros, well, then maybe this could be the model for future projects or changes that ordinary citizens can follow. And it's unlikely that a lake will cost anywhere near the amount it takes to bail out a member of the EU so the task of doing smaller projects would be far less daunting.
Let's say a small town needs to build a new crosswalk and warning lights near an area where children are known to play. That is a manageable total that many concerned netizens will have no problem contributing.
Of course, it would require a much more vigorous vetting process to make sure fraudulent fund-raising is mitigated. It would also require a lot of bureacracy as well as participation from elected or appointed officials to make things happen.
There is predecent for this. In California, voters are often asked to vote on bonds for state measures. This happens quite a lot for cities as well. To pay for a new school or money for research. This often means the voters approve or disapprove of measure to borrow money for a specific need.
With a crowd-sourced venture, everything is voluntary and funding is guranteed upon the goal of the amount being raised is reached. In the past, I've participated in crowd-sourcing that deal with helping community start their own community farms.
Perhaps, this is the way to go forward where money is directed as specific projects instead of being through various government agencies that make things more difficult than it has to be.
Note: I'll be watching the Greek Bailout Fund with interest on Indiegogo. It'll never reach its goal but it is still fun to watch how high it'll go.
News, Opinions and Analysis, and Tips on Mobile Life - XO, iPhone, and other Mobile Devices
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Health: Ebola Is Back, Not Sure It Was Really Gone
Source: The Hill.
Liberia has a new case of Ebola again. This was after it was declared free of the virus almost two months ago. The thing is that while the scope of the news and fear has subsided here in the West, it never felt as of health organizations really declared victory in the last outbreak.
It is entirely possible this is a new case based on a new strain.
Liberia has a new case of Ebola again. This was after it was declared free of the virus almost two months ago. The thing is that while the scope of the news and fear has subsided here in the West, it never felt as of health organizations really declared victory in the last outbreak.
It is entirely possible this is a new case based on a new strain.
Social: In Libel Suit Based On Instagram, Rapper Ordered To Pay Up
Source: CBS Los Angeles.
The Game, a rapper (I know, how original), was ordered to pay his former nanny based on his Instagram updates. This is likely the first of its kind for a social network. Apparently, he was no schooled in the concept that making false accusations in a public forum would end up badly for him.
Of course, this is worse for the victim in the libel suit who was awarded more than $200,000. No amount of money could take away the pain and anguish. And those lies are out there for all to see. That stain would never come off.
Meanwhile, The Game is in more legal trouble for assaulting a police officer. That'll go great on his Instagram account - go to jail, earn more street creds, and sell more albums once he's out.
The Game, a rapper (I know, how original), was ordered to pay his former nanny based on his Instagram updates. This is likely the first of its kind for a social network. Apparently, he was no schooled in the concept that making false accusations in a public forum would end up badly for him.
Of course, this is worse for the victim in the libel suit who was awarded more than $200,000. No amount of money could take away the pain and anguish. And those lies are out there for all to see. That stain would never come off.
Meanwhile, The Game is in more legal trouble for assaulting a police officer. That'll go great on his Instagram account - go to jail, earn more street creds, and sell more albums once he's out.
Social: Twitter's Black Users And Other Efforts To Cater to Minorities And Special Interests
Source: Bloomberg.
Should social networks like Twitter pay more attention to users of a specific ethnity or color? That's what this Bloomberg post seems to suggest as it interviewed one black Twitter user who just happened to be the CEO of a branding company who might just be happy to set in and help Twitter out for a handsome fee. Okay, I might be somewhat jaded but I also wonder if there is a solution for Twitter.
The user pointed out that Twitter could have done more to promote tweets about the BET Awards. It turned out that Twitter had a team to train event organizers including the use of Periscope.
I see Twitter as a large landscape of ideas, thoughts, and currents. However, if Twitter began promoting tweets more prominently than others to specific groups, I think that openness would begin to break down.
I also wonder how specifically targetted campaigns by social networks or any other companies could benefit society in general. While it might be a smart move for the bottom line, it's unlikely to foster a sense of a whole community. Instead, you've got that ethnic group or that other ethnicity. I think we already do that pretty well on our own.
Perhaps, Twitter should just make it a goal of not ignoring any of its users. Allow its platform to become one that can easily be molded by the needs and interests of the user than it is right now. Who is to say that a black Twitter user is necessarily going to be interested in the BET Awards?
Should social networks like Twitter pay more attention to users of a specific ethnity or color? That's what this Bloomberg post seems to suggest as it interviewed one black Twitter user who just happened to be the CEO of a branding company who might just be happy to set in and help Twitter out for a handsome fee. Okay, I might be somewhat jaded but I also wonder if there is a solution for Twitter.
The user pointed out that Twitter could have done more to promote tweets about the BET Awards. It turned out that Twitter had a team to train event organizers including the use of Periscope.
I see Twitter as a large landscape of ideas, thoughts, and currents. However, if Twitter began promoting tweets more prominently than others to specific groups, I think that openness would begin to break down.
I also wonder how specifically targetted campaigns by social networks or any other companies could benefit society in general. While it might be a smart move for the bottom line, it's unlikely to foster a sense of a whole community. Instead, you've got that ethnic group or that other ethnicity. I think we already do that pretty well on our own.
Perhaps, Twitter should just make it a goal of not ignoring any of its users. Allow its platform to become one that can easily be molded by the needs and interests of the user than it is right now. Who is to say that a black Twitter user is necessarily going to be interested in the BET Awards?
Monday, June 29, 2015
Microsoft Slowly Imploding? Layoffs, Sales, Executives Leaving
When a new chief executive officer comes on board, he usually does a
bit of cleaning. It happens with just about any companies. It happened
when Larry Page took over. It happened when Steve Jobs returned to
Apple and it sure as heck happened when Tim Cook took control of Apple
with major changes. Now, it's Microsoft's Satya Nadella's turn.
However, while the previously mentioned changes instituted by those CEOs
appear orderly and planned, it is difficul to put Nadella's latest
changes in that category nor does it appear we'll see the end of it and
see Microsoft on the verge of a new era.
First, there is the executive resignations including the former CEO of Nokia Stephen Elop. In all, four senior executives were shown the door. Now, comes news that Microsoft is planning to layoff more than 1,200 employees from its ad display division. It spoke to the failure to compete with other ad companies, in particular, Google (Bloomberg).
Furthermore, Microsoft is selling to Uber its image collection group within Bing. If Bing was healthy and competitive, it's unlikely this transaction would have taken place. Taken a long with layoff in the display ad group, you have to be worry whether Bing is working out worse than Microsoft is letting on.
Having said that, a lot is riding on Windows 10 to reinvigorate the PC market, and to a lesser extent, the mobile phone market where Microsoft is struggling against Android and iOS. So far, things are looking well in the Windows beta stages. Microsoft desperate needs Windows to continue its dominance and bring in much needed revenue to cover the rest of the company to give Nadella time to grow other Microsoft's core businesses.
Balmer has done a great deal of harm during his reign. Sure, Microsoft made tons of money but on core products like Windows and Office while the rest of the company languished or simply failed to innovate. For the moment, it appears that Nadella is a more astute CEO who knows the culture under Balmer has to go. However, it'll take time as the latest changes has not instill confidence in the market or among its supporters.
Whether you're an Apple or Google fan, you have to appreciate the competitive value that Microsoft represents in multiple markets. And as always, more competition the better.
Still, it would be nice if Microsoft had something more to share than what appears to be all bad news.
First, there is the executive resignations including the former CEO of Nokia Stephen Elop. In all, four senior executives were shown the door. Now, comes news that Microsoft is planning to layoff more than 1,200 employees from its ad display division. It spoke to the failure to compete with other ad companies, in particular, Google (Bloomberg).
Furthermore, Microsoft is selling to Uber its image collection group within Bing. If Bing was healthy and competitive, it's unlikely this transaction would have taken place. Taken a long with layoff in the display ad group, you have to be worry whether Bing is working out worse than Microsoft is letting on.
Having said that, a lot is riding on Windows 10 to reinvigorate the PC market, and to a lesser extent, the mobile phone market where Microsoft is struggling against Android and iOS. So far, things are looking well in the Windows beta stages. Microsoft desperate needs Windows to continue its dominance and bring in much needed revenue to cover the rest of the company to give Nadella time to grow other Microsoft's core businesses.
Balmer has done a great deal of harm during his reign. Sure, Microsoft made tons of money but on core products like Windows and Office while the rest of the company languished or simply failed to innovate. For the moment, it appears that Nadella is a more astute CEO who knows the culture under Balmer has to go. However, it'll take time as the latest changes has not instill confidence in the market or among its supporters.
Whether you're an Apple or Google fan, you have to appreciate the competitive value that Microsoft represents in multiple markets. And as always, more competition the better.
Still, it would be nice if Microsoft had something more to share than what appears to be all bad news.
Social: KKK To Hold Rally For Confederate Flag in South Carolina - Likely To Backfire
Source: Politico.
Maybe brave Americans fought and died for the South during the Civil War. And the Confederate flag as become a symbol for that. It has also become a symbol for hate as well as a reminder of the slave past of the southern states that have fought for the right to continue slavery.
And with the surprisingly rising wave of calls from all across the political spectrum for the Confederate flag to be removed from state houses and public settings after the horrific shooting of a Charleston church by a white supremist looking to start a race war.
So, a North Carolina chapter of the KKK will be holding a rally to support the flag.
Here's the things, while we as Americans support peaceful protests, you have to wonder if this event that will likely attract a lot of media attention is going to make it easier for more right-leaning politicians to add their voices to call for the removal of the Confederate flag.
Look at it this way, there are other ways to honor and remember our Civil War history. But with the KKK adding themselves do the debate, will southern GOP or Democrats who previously support flying the flag want to be lumped into the same side as a hate group?
The Confederate flag isn't going anywhere. It'll be in museums and history books. It just should not be flying anymore on government properties.
Maybe brave Americans fought and died for the South during the Civil War. And the Confederate flag as become a symbol for that. It has also become a symbol for hate as well as a reminder of the slave past of the southern states that have fought for the right to continue slavery.
And with the surprisingly rising wave of calls from all across the political spectrum for the Confederate flag to be removed from state houses and public settings after the horrific shooting of a Charleston church by a white supremist looking to start a race war.
So, a North Carolina chapter of the KKK will be holding a rally to support the flag.
Here's the things, while we as Americans support peaceful protests, you have to wonder if this event that will likely attract a lot of media attention is going to make it easier for more right-leaning politicians to add their voices to call for the removal of the Confederate flag.
Look at it this way, there are other ways to honor and remember our Civil War history. But with the KKK adding themselves do the debate, will southern GOP or Democrats who previously support flying the flag want to be lumped into the same side as a hate group?
The Confederate flag isn't going anywhere. It'll be in museums and history books. It just should not be flying anymore on government properties.
Warming: Los Angeles Feels More And More Humid Each Year
I can only go with what I feel and I feel more uncomfortable with each passing summer. It's not just the heat. More than that. It's also the humidity and it feels like it has gone more humid in the last five years as far as I can remember. Global warming? Like I said, I don't have hard scientific numbers to back up what I said. Only the stickiness and harding to breath as my best evidence.
Here are some data to chew on regarding humidity in Los Angeles. It does not say a lot. However, there are articles as far back as 2009 that predicted more heat waves and greater humidity for my great state (CS Monitor).
Of course, there is this history drought we are going through. Even though there is no direct link to global warming (Los Angeles Times), you can't help but think that there could be a link. If the climate was cooler, we would use less water. Less water, our efforts to conserve, while still needed, might have been easier. Cooler weather also means greener California and less carbon dioxide in the air.
The LA Times article reminded us how difficult it is to find how our activities have direct impact on the warming. Is it not enough that we know there is a link and move on and try to work out a comprehensive plan?
All I know is that I cannot take much more of this weather which I feel should be worse year after year.
Here are some data to chew on regarding humidity in Los Angeles. It does not say a lot. However, there are articles as far back as 2009 that predicted more heat waves and greater humidity for my great state (CS Monitor).
Of course, there is this history drought we are going through. Even though there is no direct link to global warming (Los Angeles Times), you can't help but think that there could be a link. If the climate was cooler, we would use less water. Less water, our efforts to conserve, while still needed, might have been easier. Cooler weather also means greener California and less carbon dioxide in the air.
The LA Times article reminded us how difficult it is to find how our activities have direct impact on the warming. Is it not enough that we know there is a link and move on and try to work out a comprehensive plan?
All I know is that I cannot take much more of this weather which I feel should be worse year after year.
Mobile: The iPhone Is 8 Years Old And Still Disrupting Markets
8 Years ago today, Steve Jobs unleashed Apple's most revolutionary device, the iPhone. Since then, much has changed. Did Apple expect the iPhone to become the best selling smartphone and serve as Apple's growth engine in the world? Maybe but not to the extent it is today.
Did Apple expect the iPhone to spawn the iPad and move Apple further into mobile and into the wearable market with the Apple Watch? Probably not.
Did Apple believe the iPhone to serve as the hub for the home and, by extension of CarPlay, the automobile? And quite possibly, provide Apple with the financial resources to enter the auto industry with its own Apple Car?
And what about the disruptions into other markets? Nintendo is in trouble in no small part its own fault with questionable choices in the console market but iOS gaming has disrupted Nintendo's Gameboy dominance in the mobile gaming market.
And the consumer camera market? Companies are still churning out cameras but if you look around, not many people still use them. And Apple continues to innovate the iPhone camera with the goal of rivaling even the dSLR. The iPhone camera is so good now that it even allows TV and film makers to make videos on the go and cheap.
It's also unlikely that Apple expected the iPhone with the App Store to create more than a million jobs while paying tens of billions to developers.
While it is not worth our time to get into which mobile players are or are not still around (Palm is gone. So is Nokia who sold its phone business to Microsoft. Windows and Office profit continues to pay for Microsoft's Windows Phone adventures. Blackberry, Motorola, and HTC are still around but barely), the iPhone has definitely been a huge deal on a scale beyond the mobile market. And it feels like we're just finishing up the first quarter of the mobile game. Apple ain't done with the iPhone just yet.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Mobile: Firefox's Mess Regarding Security, Webapp Experience, And Android Compatibility
Source: Engadget.
Firefox OS is going the way of some other minor platforms like Blackberry by finding a way for FFOS devices to run Android apps. It's a quick way to get out from behind the apps race to the front. It's also a way for users to experience FFOS' webapp experience with what more users are used to and comfortable with, which is the standalone apps. Is this a good idea?
It's about survival and Firefox seems to think that this is the way to go in order to compete in the cut-throat mobile device market. Not long ago when Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone, all he thought was necessary was just webapps. But then a year later, that tune changed rather quickly and Apple introduced the App Store for iOS devices.
Let's get rid of the minuses before we move on to one very important plus. Security quickly comes to mind. Whatever patches and new updates Google comes up with, just how quickly will Firefox move to patch them. For that matter, we don't really know how quickly other forced Android devices are quickly patched by their manufacturers, if at all. For instance, do we even know if Amazon patches the Fire tablets as they should or they wait months to do that. So, while this isn't an issue relating just to Firefox but it is a bit one.
And with updated versions of Android apps, how quickly can Firefox make sure that newer versions will work on its Android-compatible system? And for that matter, how many Android apps will work out the door?
As for the webapp experience, I'm a firm believer that there is potential there. Just like in using Google's Chrome OS, webapps continue to grow in quantity and improve in quality. In the short-term, this is a minus as most users will demand app quality experience. But as time progresses, webapp experiences will improve dramatically even on phones.
The issue is whether Firefox has time on its side. It is not out of the realm of possibility that Firefox OS devices will proliferate if it gains a foothold but that is a long shot at this time. However, we do want more competitors in the mobile space than not. As mobile warriors, we should hope that Mozilla will find a way to flourish. Android is a short-term solution that probably will not work and serves only to distract the "app versus webapp" argument and delay the day when webapp and app versions of the mobile experience reach parity.
Firefox OS is going the way of some other minor platforms like Blackberry by finding a way for FFOS devices to run Android apps. It's a quick way to get out from behind the apps race to the front. It's also a way for users to experience FFOS' webapp experience with what more users are used to and comfortable with, which is the standalone apps. Is this a good idea?
It's about survival and Firefox seems to think that this is the way to go in order to compete in the cut-throat mobile device market. Not long ago when Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone, all he thought was necessary was just webapps. But then a year later, that tune changed rather quickly and Apple introduced the App Store for iOS devices.
Let's get rid of the minuses before we move on to one very important plus. Security quickly comes to mind. Whatever patches and new updates Google comes up with, just how quickly will Firefox move to patch them. For that matter, we don't really know how quickly other forced Android devices are quickly patched by their manufacturers, if at all. For instance, do we even know if Amazon patches the Fire tablets as they should or they wait months to do that. So, while this isn't an issue relating just to Firefox but it is a bit one.
And with updated versions of Android apps, how quickly can Firefox make sure that newer versions will work on its Android-compatible system? And for that matter, how many Android apps will work out the door?
As for the webapp experience, I'm a firm believer that there is potential there. Just like in using Google's Chrome OS, webapps continue to grow in quantity and improve in quality. In the short-term, this is a minus as most users will demand app quality experience. But as time progresses, webapp experiences will improve dramatically even on phones.
The issue is whether Firefox has time on its side. It is not out of the realm of possibility that Firefox OS devices will proliferate if it gains a foothold but that is a long shot at this time. However, we do want more competitors in the mobile space than not. As mobile warriors, we should hope that Mozilla will find a way to flourish. Android is a short-term solution that probably will not work and serves only to distract the "app versus webapp" argument and delay the day when webapp and app versions of the mobile experience reach parity.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Safari Without Google Search: It Is A Matter of When, Not If
Here is an interesting analysis (The Street) of what it will would like should Apple remove Google from Safari, Apple's default browser, as the default search engine. Financial terms aside, it would be interesting in speculating what would serve as Apple's default search engine instead and how that would impact mobile computing going forward. And while Microsoft's Bing would serve as the logical heir, do not forget how Apple's Tim Cook is really making privacy an issue that would put DuckDuckGo in the running.
The Street article cover much of the basis for why Apple will dump Google. Google is a major competitor to Apple in multiple markets - computing (OS X versus Chrome OS), mobile (Android verus iOS, Google Now versus Siri), wearables (Android Wear verus Apple Watch), and their growing ecosystems (App Store, Apple Music, iTunes verus Google Play, Google Music). That's just today's competitive market where the two tech giants overlap. Months and years from now, look for them to compete for the home, wallet, and even in the auto industry (some day, maybe even space?).
From Apple's perspective, it makes sense for it to keep its competitor off its platforms and ecosystems and doing it within limits and not to run afoul of public sentiment and maybe even regulatory authorities. But Apple has other good reasons to move beyond Google.
Tim Cook, given the national and international atmosphere over government spying and the erosion of privacy by Internet companies, has made maintaining the privacy of its customers a feature if you will. At times in public, Cook has suggested that some companies that offer free services were not in fact free but were selling information collected from users.
Furthermore, as mobile computing meant a move away from traditional desktop computing where Google owns a large piece of the search and ads revenue and further to mobile apps where Google search is not as dominant, being able to choke off Google's revenue stream is a plus. Just how much that is now weighed into the equation to dump Google is only something Apple really knows.
While the article did have to mention Bing to cover all the basis, it would make sense for Apple to seek search solutions that does not mean its users have to give up personal information or be tracked on the Web whether they are using Safari on iOS or OS X. The logical and sole solution appears to be DuckDuckgo.
Still, Google is betting that free will figure into thinking of most users when they decide which mobile platform they like to use, convenience, and even the service or app themselves. And when it comes to cloud computing and services, Apple is way behind while Google continues to provide great cloud services for free.
Google already has a taste of the future. Apple replaced Google with Bing with Siri's searches and has added Duckduckgo to Safari as an option. Both moves are small compared to when Apple erase Google from OS X and iOS. Not only that, Apple continues to make changes to iOS to choke off advertisers and gathering of information from iOS users. These are important information that Google and others need in order to sell ads,
The Street article cover much of the basis for why Apple will dump Google. Google is a major competitor to Apple in multiple markets - computing (OS X versus Chrome OS), mobile (Android verus iOS, Google Now versus Siri), wearables (Android Wear verus Apple Watch), and their growing ecosystems (App Store, Apple Music, iTunes verus Google Play, Google Music). That's just today's competitive market where the two tech giants overlap. Months and years from now, look for them to compete for the home, wallet, and even in the auto industry (some day, maybe even space?).
From Apple's perspective, it makes sense for it to keep its competitor off its platforms and ecosystems and doing it within limits and not to run afoul of public sentiment and maybe even regulatory authorities. But Apple has other good reasons to move beyond Google.
Tim Cook, given the national and international atmosphere over government spying and the erosion of privacy by Internet companies, has made maintaining the privacy of its customers a feature if you will. At times in public, Cook has suggested that some companies that offer free services were not in fact free but were selling information collected from users.
Furthermore, as mobile computing meant a move away from traditional desktop computing where Google owns a large piece of the search and ads revenue and further to mobile apps where Google search is not as dominant, being able to choke off Google's revenue stream is a plus. Just how much that is now weighed into the equation to dump Google is only something Apple really knows.
While the article did have to mention Bing to cover all the basis, it would make sense for Apple to seek search solutions that does not mean its users have to give up personal information or be tracked on the Web whether they are using Safari on iOS or OS X. The logical and sole solution appears to be DuckDuckgo.
Still, Google is betting that free will figure into thinking of most users when they decide which mobile platform they like to use, convenience, and even the service or app themselves. And when it comes to cloud computing and services, Apple is way behind while Google continues to provide great cloud services for free.
Google already has a taste of the future. Apple replaced Google with Bing with Siri's searches and has added Duckduckgo to Safari as an option. Both moves are small compared to when Apple erase Google from OS X and iOS. Not only that, Apple continues to make changes to iOS to choke off advertisers and gathering of information from iOS users. These are important information that Google and others need in order to sell ads,
On-Screen Fingerprint Identification More Real With Apple's Acquisition
According to reports (MacDailyNews, CNN), Apple has bought a fingerprint identification company, Privaris, that could help make the home button disappear and move the fingerprinting scanner that we now use for TouchID onto the iOS screen itself. Furthermore, it could bring TouchID to other Apple products like the Mac as well.
Remember that to make TouchID a reality and as useful as it is today, Apple sought and bought AuthenTec back in the middle of 2012 (Phone Arena). And when did TouchID show up on the iPhone? A year later on the iPhone 5S in September of 2013.
Think it'll be on the next iPhone this year or next? More at On Apple.
Remember that to make TouchID a reality and as useful as it is today, Apple sought and bought AuthenTec back in the middle of 2012 (Phone Arena). And when did TouchID show up on the iPhone? A year later on the iPhone 5S in September of 2013.
Think it'll be on the next iPhone this year or next? More at On Apple.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
What If Taylor Swift Wants Apple To Pay Her Hardware Profit Too?
Now that Taylor Swift has had a taste of what she can make even Apple, one of the most influential companies in the world, bend to her will (whether paying artists during the 3-month trial was something Apple was coming around to do anyway as Eddie Cue suggested, a public charade between Apple and Swift, or something else), it is possible other artists like herself and contend providers begin to see what value and importance they are to Apple and could even one day ask for a percentage of hardware sales? (More at On Apple)
This is not something new. In the past, some have argued that while Apple makes billions of its hardware business, music artists see not a penny of that. While I do think it is a ridiculous argument, it is one that continues to be made or pointed out that hardware companies rake in more than content providers.

If you think about where Apple is getting the money from to pay artists during the free 3-month trial window when Apple is not collecting a penny from users, it's from the billions in hardware profit.
So, how will Apple react to a hypothetical Tumblr letter from Swift or another hot act that is demanding that Apple share some of its profit with content providers? There is precedent for this. Remember the red U2 iPods?
So, it's possible this could happen. Apple may make a few demands of its own. While it's anyone's guess what a Taylor Swift iPhone. Maybe Katy Perry would like a piece of the Apple pie so her own fans can carry around their own Perry-approved iOS gears. Maybe Tim Cook will get Jony Ives to call up Bono for a red and black iPhone 6 Plus.
I'm sure a lot of folks would be into a "By Dr. Dre" version as well.
- Posted using BlogPress
This is not something new. In the past, some have argued that while Apple makes billions of its hardware business, music artists see not a penny of that. While I do think it is a ridiculous argument, it is one that continues to be made or pointed out that hardware companies rake in more than content providers.
If you think about where Apple is getting the money from to pay artists during the free 3-month trial window when Apple is not collecting a penny from users, it's from the billions in hardware profit.
So, how will Apple react to a hypothetical Tumblr letter from Swift or another hot act that is demanding that Apple share some of its profit with content providers? There is precedent for this. Remember the red U2 iPods?
So, it's possible this could happen. Apple may make a few demands of its own. While it's anyone's guess what a Taylor Swift iPhone. Maybe Katy Perry would like a piece of the Apple pie so her own fans can carry around their own Perry-approved iOS gears. Maybe Tim Cook will get Jony Ives to call up Bono for a red and black iPhone 6 Plus.
I'm sure a lot of folks would be into a "By Dr. Dre" version as well.
- Posted using BlogPress
Social: The Bigger They Are, The Less Responsibility They Feel On Social Media
Source: CNET.
Israeli and American generally have a good relationship, one that is built on shared culture, economics, and defense. And while politicians just love falling all over themselves to say just how special the relationship between America and Israel have (Britain, you're special to us too. Love you too, Canada and I leaving anyone else out?), things have gotten testy between the current government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Obama administration.
So, it's no surprise that the of an Israeli minister openly made a racist joke about President Obama. As as tasteless and just about any other negative sentiment you can come up with over this tweet from the wife of a public figure of a major ally, it deserves to examine just how social media has allowed many of public figures to open up and really share their true feelings and opinions even if they come to regret it later.
And yeah, there is usually apologies and regrets later. In this case, Judy Mozes, is the wife of the interior minister of Israel, put in charge of the failed peace process. She also happens to be somewhat of a television personality. Of course, she tried to erase her tweet to no avail after followers took screen shots of it. Then professed to love all regardless of race and religion.
So, why do politicians and celebrities do this on social media? Shooting themselves in the foot 140-characters at a time? One possible explanation is the anonimity of social media especially on Twitter. And yes, when these public figures sent out tweets or Facebook updates, they do know what they are doing and others will to. However, any inhibition is overcome by their bloated ego and self-importance. Their needs to continue to be relevant is secondary to anything else. Obviously, the minister's wife is unlikely actually say such a joke if the president was standing in front of her. A third of a world away on social media?
In her circle, it was a safe tweet. The blowback is much less, compounded with the fact that her husband and his party are probably not Obama fans. And not just her. Other public figures high up on themselves have created social bubbles that they feel insulate them from consequences of their public actions and absolve them of personal responsibilities.
Israeli and American generally have a good relationship, one that is built on shared culture, economics, and defense. And while politicians just love falling all over themselves to say just how special the relationship between America and Israel have (Britain, you're special to us too. Love you too, Canada and I leaving anyone else out?), things have gotten testy between the current government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Obama administration.
So, it's no surprise that the of an Israeli minister openly made a racist joke about President Obama. As as tasteless and just about any other negative sentiment you can come up with over this tweet from the wife of a public figure of a major ally, it deserves to examine just how social media has allowed many of public figures to open up and really share their true feelings and opinions even if they come to regret it later.
And yeah, there is usually apologies and regrets later. In this case, Judy Mozes, is the wife of the interior minister of Israel, put in charge of the failed peace process. She also happens to be somewhat of a television personality. Of course, she tried to erase her tweet to no avail after followers took screen shots of it. Then professed to love all regardless of race and religion.
So, why do politicians and celebrities do this on social media? Shooting themselves in the foot 140-characters at a time? One possible explanation is the anonimity of social media especially on Twitter. And yes, when these public figures sent out tweets or Facebook updates, they do know what they are doing and others will to. However, any inhibition is overcome by their bloated ego and self-importance. Their needs to continue to be relevant is secondary to anything else. Obviously, the minister's wife is unlikely actually say such a joke if the president was standing in front of her. A third of a world away on social media?
In her circle, it was a safe tweet. The blowback is much less, compounded with the fact that her husband and his party are probably not Obama fans. And not just her. Other public figures high up on themselves have created social bubbles that they feel insulate them from consequences of their public actions and absolve them of personal responsibilities.
Ceres Finds Interesting Peak But Don't Fall For the "Pyramid" Headline
Source: Discover.
Okay, this is a must click through to the Discover Magazine for the interesting picture of an out of place peak that is 3-miles high on Ceres, the Jupiter moon that NASA's unmanned spacecraft was sent to study. It certain is interesting to see this on a region where there are not a lot of other formations like this. However, while many are calling it a pyramid, trust me, folks, you're thinking of the Egyptian ones and this one ain't it.
Still, this is a wonderful discovery as it points to the value of space travel and exploration and of our need to move beyond Earth as quickly as possible if only to impress upon ourselves how small but unique humanity is. And our species may well depend on it.
Also, there is also the bit of mystery regarding some light or reflection coming from Ceres when Dawn was still on its approach to the moon. While I would like to believe it was from a small alien outpost, I'm sure we'll end up finding out that it's nothing more than ice of some sort. Even that would be a great find.
Note: For genuine science, I suppose I'll allow some leeway for click-baiting if only because we have some much resistance in Congress who are opposed to progress if it means upending their political establishment and order of things.
Another Note: Yes, like Mulder, I want to believe. But until someone walks out a live-breathing alien, I'm still an open-minded skeptic.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Did Apple Back-Pedal Because of Taylor Swift?
Apple will now pay artists royalties due them during the three free months trial period. (The Next Web). And this was in direct response to Taylor Swift's open complaint about Apple's previous policy of not paying artists royalties during the three months free trial.
It's great PR. At least, some might think that. For Apple, this is not about money. However, it does speak to how Apple can maneuver more quickly under Tim Cook. It also says that Apple feels at ease in bending some rules or doing away with them when it feels it will not have adverse affect on the company's bottom line. This u-turn certain won't hurt Apple's image.
To be sure, this will have a long-term implication in the music industry. See, there was mention that Apple would pay the artists during the free trial period. No mention whether the labels would get a penny. Perhaps, this was Apple's move all long. Playing a couple of moves ahead of everyone else.
Perhaps now, Swift's music will not be a part of Apple Music's streaming service while it continues to be absent from Spotify and others' music library.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Apple Watch Needs More Health-Related Features
Apple Watch is a very well-designed digital time piece that has a very promising start given it pedigree and the features and functions it has so far. However, we already have so much ways to tell time, receive notifications, and other daily or smartphone related features that Apple has to continue to give us reasons to wear our Apple Watches. And adding more health-related apps that can monitor our health and activities would go a long way in helping mobile warriors with wearable devices make better decisions about our health.
Here is a post about a couple of features that I like to see on the next generation or two of the Apple Watch (On Apple) - real-time senors to monitor temperatureand our surrounding and blood pressure monitoring.
And if Apple continues to provide us features not found easily or conveniently accessible elsewhere is going to be key in making sure that once the novelty of the Apple Watch has worn off, we will continue wearing them.
Here is a post about a couple of features that I like to see on the next generation or two of the Apple Watch (On Apple) - real-time senors to monitor temperatureand our surrounding and blood pressure monitoring.
And if Apple continues to provide us features not found easily or conveniently accessible elsewhere is going to be key in making sure that once the novelty of the Apple Watch has worn off, we will continue wearing them.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Major Security Flaw in iOS
Apple has left a major security hole in iOS and because of its dubious app approval system, malicious apps can potentially roam about the iDevices and steal passwords stored on Keychain and personal information (Source: The Register). Only yesterday, we were talking about Samsung's own security problem with its flawed digital signing. Now, it's Apple's turn.
As of this moment, there is no word whether a fix is forthcoming. And given the seriousness of this flaw, it's better that Apple address this as soon as possible. What has made this flaw worse is that it gives malware the ability to circumvent Apple's sandboxing between apps and let it steal information from other apps.
This flaw was discovered six months ago and no word from Apple. Either it does not take this seriously or that it has yet to find a solution. Both scenarios are worrying for the average mobile warrior.
As of this moment, there is no word whether a fix is forthcoming. And given the seriousness of this flaw, it's better that Apple address this as soon as possible. What has made this flaw worse is that it gives malware the ability to circumvent Apple's sandboxing between apps and let it steal information from other apps.
This flaw was discovered six months ago and no word from Apple. Either it does not take this seriously or that it has yet to find a solution. Both scenarios are worrying for the average mobile warrior.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Privacy: DDG Attributes 600% Growth to Apple and Privacy Concerns
Source: 9to5Mac.
An interview with DuckDuckGo CEO, Gabe Weinberg, revealed how DuckDuckGo has made money without going to the extent Google and other companies that rely on ad revenues in which they collect information on their users. They attribute their 3 billion searches a year growth on being part of Apple's library of search engines to choose from and concerns over various governments' big brother aspirations and privacy concerns.
Okay, specifically, the NSA was mentioned but, really, what government would not want the kinds and amounts of information the US government currently collects on us. Granted that while I'm not concern about any malicious intents of the authorities (yet) and I genuinely believe that some believe they need the information to combat terrorism and other crimes, it does concern me at times.
So Duckduckgo is my default search engine but I'm more concern about what companies do with my information than just the NSA storing it in its databases. Nevertheless, we all want to keep our eyes open no matter who or what wants to erode our sense of privacy.
An interview with DuckDuckGo CEO, Gabe Weinberg, revealed how DuckDuckGo has made money without going to the extent Google and other companies that rely on ad revenues in which they collect information on their users. They attribute their 3 billion searches a year growth on being part of Apple's library of search engines to choose from and concerns over various governments' big brother aspirations and privacy concerns.
Okay, specifically, the NSA was mentioned but, really, what government would not want the kinds and amounts of information the US government currently collects on us. Granted that while I'm not concern about any malicious intents of the authorities (yet) and I genuinely believe that some believe they need the information to combat terrorism and other crimes, it does concern me at times.
So Duckduckgo is my default search engine but I'm more concern about what companies do with my information than just the NSA storing it in its databases. Nevertheless, we all want to keep our eyes open no matter who or what wants to erode our sense of privacy.
Monday, June 15, 2015
Wearable Tech: Samsung Gear S With Two Day Battery Life, That's What Others Should Shoot For In The Next Year
Source: Engadget.
Regardless of how you feel about Android, Google, Samsung, or how the whole smartwatch and other wearable tech is headed, we are still much earlier in wearable computing devices than ever before. An equivalent situation would be as if we are in the beginning days of mobile, as in the early PDA days. But what I have to say about Samsung's Gear S battery life is a good start.
Right now, even Apple's watch can barely hit 20 hours of light use. And that's a stretch. And it's coming someone who has one on his wrist as he pounds out this post. The Engadget post is a worthy read.
I am hoping Apple, Motorola, LG, and the up-and-coming Chinese companies shoot for - at least a couple of days.
But don't think I'll be happy with just that. I've been using various workout bands. Jawbone Up, Nike Fuelband, and the Fitbit Force and Charge. So, I'm very used to week long battery life. That's what I want from these tech giants.
Regardless of how you feel about Android, Google, Samsung, or how the whole smartwatch and other wearable tech is headed, we are still much earlier in wearable computing devices than ever before. An equivalent situation would be as if we are in the beginning days of mobile, as in the early PDA days. But what I have to say about Samsung's Gear S battery life is a good start.
Right now, even Apple's watch can barely hit 20 hours of light use. And that's a stretch. And it's coming someone who has one on his wrist as he pounds out this post. The Engadget post is a worthy read.
I am hoping Apple, Motorola, LG, and the up-and-coming Chinese companies shoot for - at least a couple of days.
But don't think I'll be happy with just that. I've been using various workout bands. Jawbone Up, Nike Fuelband, and the Fitbit Force and Charge. So, I'm very used to week long battery life. That's what I want from these tech giants.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Great News: Online Video To Surprise Physical Sales and Rentals
Source: Engadget, Bloomberg.
You want to know what disruption is like on a huge earthquakesque style? Revenue from downloads like iTunes and Google Play and streaming services like Netflix and Amazon will surpass sales generated from DVD sales and rentals. You can be sure the studios as well as any stores, brick-and-mortars or online stores, knew this was coming. Perhaps, they did not think it would happen this fast.
Only in the last year have I noticed significantly more dicounts and bundles of online movies. It's typical for Google to offer discounts on select movies but hardly on iTunes. And this year, I'm noticing more price cuts. I'm guess DVD sales have slowed an Blu-ray has not delivered the content developers and studios to the promised land.
This is significant as we should see more parity in terms of prices and offerings between online versions and physical versions of movies and televison shows. This will be in part to draw attention to the ease of downloading or streaming videos and not having to go to the stores to pick up a movie or wait for the UPS guy to deliver it.
To make matters worse, or better depending on who you are, online revenue will also surprise box-office takes by 2017. This is also signficant largely because skyrocketing prices of movie tickets. Consider that a ticket will probably cost $15 each, or $20 (maybe more) if you watch it in IMAX or 3D, versus waiting a few months, sometimes weeks, to download and own it and watch it in the comfort of your home entertainment studio for about the same price.
Does this mean we will be able to watch the next Avengers movie with family and friends on your 80" 4K setup? Not even close. The studios will have some foks with really good spreadsheet kung fu who will figure out how best for the studios to maximize their profits in light of tech changes and social movie watching behaviors. It's possible some movies will be available for streaming or purchase the day it hits the theater. I've often seen indie movies go that route. This is especially true if there are limited releases.
However, we never want to say never. Let's just the studios will listen to their Silicon Valley partners and understand that the best way for us to part with our money is value and convenience.
You want to know what disruption is like on a huge earthquakesque style? Revenue from downloads like iTunes and Google Play and streaming services like Netflix and Amazon will surpass sales generated from DVD sales and rentals. You can be sure the studios as well as any stores, brick-and-mortars or online stores, knew this was coming. Perhaps, they did not think it would happen this fast.
Only in the last year have I noticed significantly more dicounts and bundles of online movies. It's typical for Google to offer discounts on select movies but hardly on iTunes. And this year, I'm noticing more price cuts. I'm guess DVD sales have slowed an Blu-ray has not delivered the content developers and studios to the promised land.
This is significant as we should see more parity in terms of prices and offerings between online versions and physical versions of movies and televison shows. This will be in part to draw attention to the ease of downloading or streaming videos and not having to go to the stores to pick up a movie or wait for the UPS guy to deliver it.
To make matters worse, or better depending on who you are, online revenue will also surprise box-office takes by 2017. This is also signficant largely because skyrocketing prices of movie tickets. Consider that a ticket will probably cost $15 each, or $20 (maybe more) if you watch it in IMAX or 3D, versus waiting a few months, sometimes weeks, to download and own it and watch it in the comfort of your home entertainment studio for about the same price.
Does this mean we will be able to watch the next Avengers movie with family and friends on your 80" 4K setup? Not even close. The studios will have some foks with really good spreadsheet kung fu who will figure out how best for the studios to maximize their profits in light of tech changes and social movie watching behaviors. It's possible some movies will be available for streaming or purchase the day it hits the theater. I've often seen indie movies go that route. This is especially true if there are limited releases.
However, we never want to say never. Let's just the studios will listen to their Silicon Valley partners and understand that the best way for us to part with our money is value and convenience.
Showtime Follows HBO On Apple's Platform
Source: Variety.
So, CBS will be bringing its premium channel to Apple's platform as an exclusive for a short while. No word on how long that window will be. I'm sure with HBO's exclusive with Apple coming to an end, Android devices will soon be able to venture into Westero (Game of Thrones - HBO site) soon.
This is just another step forward in breaking the old TV model and venturing into the future of video entertainment. Note that this is only a very small step. It will be a while before Silicon Valley giants like Apple, Google, and maybe the social networks can wrestle control of video content away from entrenched and well funded cable companies with a lot of influence in Washington and state capitals.
No work on when Apple and Showtime's exclusive deal will end. I do have an Apple TV and I look forward to watching Homeland (official website).
Apple is currently working on deals with content providers to offer a subscription service to its customers. Meanwhile, Google isn't standing ildly by. Google is also putting together a package via Youtube (Bloomberg).
Take this a step further, it is not out of the realm of possibility that traditional tech and social media giants like Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook could also get into the content creation business. Microsoft already dipped its toe with TV show development.
Look for more to come. Future has started.
So, CBS will be bringing its premium channel to Apple's platform as an exclusive for a short while. No word on how long that window will be. I'm sure with HBO's exclusive with Apple coming to an end, Android devices will soon be able to venture into Westero (Game of Thrones - HBO site) soon.
This is just another step forward in breaking the old TV model and venturing into the future of video entertainment. Note that this is only a very small step. It will be a while before Silicon Valley giants like Apple, Google, and maybe the social networks can wrestle control of video content away from entrenched and well funded cable companies with a lot of influence in Washington and state capitals.
No work on when Apple and Showtime's exclusive deal will end. I do have an Apple TV and I look forward to watching Homeland (official website).
Apple is currently working on deals with content providers to offer a subscription service to its customers. Meanwhile, Google isn't standing ildly by. Google is also putting together a package via Youtube (Bloomberg).
Take this a step further, it is not out of the realm of possibility that traditional tech and social media giants like Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook could also get into the content creation business. Microsoft already dipped its toe with TV show development.
Look for more to come. Future has started.
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