Friday, May 28, 2010

Have A Great Mobile Memorial Weekend!

Have A Great Mobile Memorial Weekend!

I don't know about you but I've got a lot of outdoor activities planned. Well, I'll be out of the confines of my little nest but not necessarily in any open area. Allergies you know.

However, I look forward to taking out my tablet, iPad, and my super-juiced up iPhone to document my three-day weekend. As I sit at my desk like I used to as a school boy, eagerly anticipating the 2:45PM bell signaling the end of the school day (which means 5:30pm), I realized how much mobile tech has advanced in one year because I am plot places to go where there is wifi access.

What are some of the changes in mobile from a year ago?

A year ago, "checking in" was not something people really would know what I'm talking about. Now, with Foursquare leading the charge, it's almost if you're not being a good friend if you don't let your friends know where you've been. And geolocation apps have only begun to scratch the surface of how companies and mobile users can use the service (not to mention stalkers).

And let's talk about the handsets. Android was just beginning to take off at this time last year. But since then, 100K devices are being activated each day. And it has really made a different as must Android devices are equipped with a 5MP camera. So I anticipate a lot more folks using their mobile devices to take quality pictures than dedicated cameras. This maybe not be the first holiday when most of the pictures taken are going to be on smartphones but I think we can safely say that we are very close. I anticipating by Christmas, people will be carry around their iPhones or Droids to document time together with family and friends.

Plus, I am weeks if not only a couple of months away from upgrading my workhorses, 2G iPhone and G1. One of the features I'll be looking out for is the ability for the upcoming devices to shot video in 720p. If all things and specs are equal between what's going to be available this summer, the one that can shot great 720p video is going to win me over.

I anticipate more dedicated camcorders to be shooting videos this weekend than iPhone 3GS's but that too is changing. HD video is in and the more robust handsets can do a decent job of that now.

And let's not forget Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Despite privacy concerns, I think Facebook will have a busy weekend as many in the US share pictures and stories with their "friends" (of course, I include everyone who Facebook shares your intimate details with).

In what mobile way do you plan on spending your long weekend?

Note: A lot of devices out there are equipped with a GPS unit. I'm sure Google Maps and navigation apps will be used quite a bit as well.

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